Television Appearance
Dr. Tom Fletcher was recently interviewed by Jon Du Pre for his wildland fire research. Click here to see the television broadcast.
25th Annual Conference Canceled
We have canceled this meetingdue to low numbers of attendees. Please call us to come visit us at any time.
Burning News
Dr. Fletcher's Wildland Fire Research Group was recently featured on Brigham Young University's home page. Click on the picture for the full story.
Summer Scholars 2010
This year, Chemical and Civil Engineering joined forces to welcome 15 high school students to a week of fun at BYU. The fun included classroom instruction, field trips, and hands-on opportunities for these potential engineers.
Graduate students from Brigham Young University and the University of Utah met for a quick picture during a lab tour in their Chemical Engineering 733 Coal Combustion Course. The lab tour included a visit to various ACERC laboratories. The course is taught by ACERC Director Dr. Thomas Fletcher.
On Thursday, March 25, 2010, Chemical Engineering Graduate Students were instructed for an hour by Stanford's own Dr. Ron Hanson. Pictured with Dr. Hanson (far right) are Dr. John Harb and Dr. Larry Baxter from BYU.
The 2010 ACERC Conference was on February 25-26, 2010, with a special Wildland Fire Workshop all day the 26th. To view presentations from the conference as well as to see student research projects, click here. Thank you to Novell, Sustainable Energy Solutions, and East Bay Cafe Catering for helping make this year's conference a success!
1) Develop combustion engineering knowledge and technology
2) Educate students